Western OB/GYN, A Division of Ridgeview Clinics, is transitioning to a new Electronic Medical Record called Epic on Aug. 1, 2021. This medical record will be the same for the entire organization.
This means however, that our current patient portal – My Health Record – will no longer be updated as of Aug 1, 2021, and it will not be available for you to access at all beginning Sept. 1, 2021.
The good news is we will have a new patient portal called MyChart available Aug. 1, 2021. MyChart is a secure online health record portal very similar to My Health Record. All of the information from our old electronic medical record and available to you in My Health Record during the last 5 years will be converted to our new electronic medical record and be available to you via MyChart.
To use this new portal, you will need to register as a new user with MyChart any time after Aug. 1.
To make that registration process easier, you will automatically be sent an email inviting you to register MyChart when you schedule an appointment with us after Aug. 1. You will be guided through the registration process after responding to that email invitation. After successfully opening your MyChart account, you will see all your Western OB/GYN health record information for the last 5 years.
Thank you for your confidence in Western OB/GYN.