What your teenage girl can expect at her first gynecology visit

Rebecca Baudoin, MD, Western OB/GYN, A Division of Ridgeview Clinics, sees female patients in their teens and continuing through their lifespan for a variety of women’s health concerns. Her patients often ask, ‘When should I bring my teenage daughter for her first visit? At what age does it make sense to transition from her pediatrician to a women’s health specialist?’

Dr. Baudoin helps moms make this decision by discussing reasons for making that first appointment. She addresses some of the worries that girls might feel about seeing a gynecologist for the first time. “Typically, a teenager in my office can expect mostly talking,” Dr. Baudoin said. “I don’t tend to do a pelvic exam at that first visit for my teenagers. The standard is to begin those at age 21, when the first Pap smear is due, unless she has a specific problem we need to sort out. Just knowing that can relieve some of the fear and anxiety. No one should have to fear going to the gynecologist!”

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